Thank-you to all the models, agents, assistants and crew for making this feature possible!
Special thanks to Matthew Edelstein at MR.MATTHEW
David Vandewal|Art & Commerce, stylist and
contributing fashion editor to Visual Tales for styling
Sophie Elgort for photographing the portraits
David Von Cannon|Streeters and crew for grooming
Alex Badia, Jean Palmieri & Kyle Ericksen
@ WWD for the support.
Models as featured in the article: Pat Kinnane|Aim; Lewis Valleau|Citizen; Trevor Feehan|Citizen; Daje Barbour|DNA; William Leverett|VNY; Mike Winchester|Fusion and Rudi Dollmayer|Soul Artists Management
@ WWD for the support.
Models as featured in the article: Pat Kinnane|Aim; Lewis Valleau|Citizen; Trevor Feehan|Citizen; Daje Barbour|DNA; William Leverett|VNY; Mike Winchester|Fusion and Rudi Dollmayer|Soul Artists Management
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